Friday, April 8, 2011

Technology in the Classroom

Welcome to our classroom’s new Technology Blog. This is a place for YOU, the parents, to get involved with your child’s technological opportunities in the classroom. I would like to let you know that our school’s PTA has begun fundraising in order to provide more students access to technology on campus. This blog will be your voice when it comes to your hopes and concerns in all matters of technology for your child. Feel free to comment and share opinions here on the blog.

Some parents have concerns when it comes to technology use by children. This concern is understandable when some children misuse technology (i.e. gaming, internet surfing). However I believe technology in our classroom can greatly enhance your child’s educational experience. The novelty of computer instruction can help motivate students and engage them deeper in the subject matter. Students are able to receive immediate feedback and analysis with vital skills such as typing through programs like Type to Learn. Students can safely search the internet to find additional resources for research projects. While students are on the internet, their searches will be monitored and only “safe sites” will be permitted access. In today’s environmentally-conscience world, the use of computers can eliminate the need for some paper books and worksheets. Educational Technology can also help to reach at-risk students and students with learning disabilities by providing individualized instruction through specialized software programs. Having these new computer skills will also give your children a sense of empowerment and confidence in their new skill set. Overall through the use of technology, your children are learning vital skills which they will need to be successful in the workplace (word processing, spreadsheets, database programs, etc.)

There are two certain types of technology which I hope to integrate into my classroom in the future. However these will only be available to me if the fundraising efforts are successful.
1.      Computers
Having computers in the classroom would allow the students greater access to vital skills. This year we are learning about Australia in our classroom. Students could go on a virtual “scavenger hunt” through Australia on the classroom computers. Each student could be given a handout with Australia questions, and then they could search for the answers through safe sites online. Having this computer access will allow the students to delve further into the lesson content. I also know the students would thoroughly enjoy such a fun activity!
2.      SmartBoard
An interactive classroom whiteboard would be a vital tool in any classroom. I can already imagine so many great ways to use on in my classroom! It would be ideal for a lesson where all students can follow along by looking up at the board. The SmartBoard would be connected to my personal classroom laptop and would display my image on a large board for all students to see. The board is interactive and students would be able to become directly involved when standing up at the board. During math class children could come forward and show their classmates different strategies for solving equations and word problems. The smart board would essentially allow all students computer access in a one-computer classroom.

Please take the time to let me know your opinions about this matter in the blog comments section below. Your child’s educational experience is my main concern. I truly believe that greater access to technology in our classroom will be a great asset. Please let me know if you would like to be involved in the fundraising effort.

Bell, Mary A. Why Use an Interactive Whiteboard? A Baker’s Dozen Reasons. Gazette. Retrieved April 8, 2011 from
Educational Technology. National Dropout Prevention Center. 2011. Retrieved April 8, 2011 from
Patsalides, Laurie. Computers in the Classroom: the How and the Why. 2010. Retrieved April 8, 2011 from
Roblyer, M.D. and Doering, Aaron H. (2010). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. Boston:  Pearson Education, Inc

DISCLAIMER: This blog is an assignment for an educational technology course at National University. It is not a real fundraising blog.

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